Spiced apple butter

I’ve managed to get a good crop of apples this year, but I also got a good crop of windfalls and fruit with blemishes. I made spiced apple butter, and it was delicious. It is, effectively, apple jam that has had the fruit sieved. The sugar to fruit ratio is in favour of the fruit, so it won’t last as well as jam, but it is too sweet any other way. It is a good way to use up less-than-perfect eating apples. 


  • 1kg apples, chopped roughly, no need to core and peel but easier if you do. 
  • 500ml dry cider
  • Sugar
  • Powdered cinnamon
  • Ground cloves
  • (you can also add mulled wine spices in a muslin bag, as an alternative)


  • Chop the apples and stew in a large pan with the cider, for around 30 minutes, until the fruit is all soft. If you are using whole spices, they should be added at the start in a muslin bag.
  • Remove the muslin bag and then put the stewed fruit through a coarse sieve or mouli. 
  • Weigh the pulp. For each 500g of pulp add 360g sugar, 1/2 tsp powdered cinnamon and 1/2 tsp ground cloves. I put my jam pan on the scales, and measured the pulp into it. When I got the final weight, I divided that by 500 and then multiplied by 360 to get the weight of sugar. 
  • Bring back to a simmer. Once it is thick and at jam temperature, put it into warmed clean jars. Remember to stir regularly, otherwise the bottom of the pan reaches a very high temperature and when you try to stir it, it spatters. 


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